
This make the navigation of contents much easier 

Tips :
  1. Android Transparent status bar
  2. Android remove ActionBar / TitleBar
  3. Android : Multiple Button One Listener
  4. Android : Create a keystore
  5. Android Studio–Add local jar / library to project
  6. Using SharedPreferences
  7. Hide soft keyboard 
  8. make editText non editable
  9. Android prevent out of memory exception 
  10. Android Studio change package name 
  11. Android Hide soft-keyboard and EditText to non editable 
  12. Android Studio Tips/Tricks
Widgets :
  1. Android Spinner
  2. Android WebView 
  3. Android Activities 

Tutorial :
  1. Android Live Wallpaper Tutorial
  2. Xamarin : Simple Calculator Tutorial Visual Studio C#
  3. Create Custom View in android MATRIX EFFECT CANVAS tutorial
  4. Android How to integrate Admob
  1. Android : Best Game Engine
  2. Android Hybrid Creation Tools
  3. Android Support Tools
  4. Android Free UI Templates
  1. Quiz APP With INTEL XDK
  2. Android Currency Converter 

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